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Making Reeves, Ward, and Loving Counties Stronger With Stogner

Time for Justice

Field day for criminals is over.

Tireless Fighter

Working tirelessly to make our communities safer.

Getting Results

Successful attorney who can gets results.

The DA To Get The Job Done

It's time for new blood to come in and clean up."
"And as the mom of a daughter, I know this: I will not rest as long as criminals think they can commit any crime here, even rape, and get away with. That era ends with my election in November."

The people of Reeves, Ward, and Loving Counties deserve justice -- not high crime rates and an infamously inept prosecutor, Randy ‘Reckless’ Reynolds.

I’m a lawyer, small business owner, mom, and fierce champion of the people’s right to a government that works. Here in Texas’ 143rd Judicial District, we’re committed to law and order. So why isn’t our D.A. doing his job?

Loving County has the highest crime rate in all of Texas. In such a small county, where everyone can know everyone and be on the lookout for anyone suspicious who comes along, you would think we’d have one of the lowest crime rates. It takes an amazing level of prosecutorial incompetence to have the opposite effect.

An analysis of crime rates gives Loving an F, Reeves a D-. And when it comes to violent crime, Ward gets a C-.

What’s going on? Reynolds is such a disastrous D.A. that Texas Monthly wrote back in 2008, “From the perspective of a criminal, the 143rd is undeniably a good place to commit a felony.”

Among the gems that the publication pointed out: “There has not been a single jury trial for sexual assault of an adult in the past ten years in Reeves County; in fact, only two rapes have been referred to Reynolds’s office for prosecution in that period. ‘I had a fourteen-year-old mentally retarded girl who said her brother-in-law held her down and raped her,’ said Stickels. ‘I mean, he gave her chlamydia. It was an easy case to prove.’ Not guilty.”

If only things had gotten better since then. Our area is still plagued by ineptitude in the criminal justice system. In 2022, Loving’s top seated official was arrested.

It’s time for new blood to come in and clean up. It’s time to end the virtual welcome signs for criminals that Randy ‘Reckless’ Reynolds has been hanging up all over town, inviting them to come here and have a field day. It’s time for justice.

That's what I’m about.

As a successful attorney, I know how to get results. As a fighter for the people of this district, I never let up. I work tirelessly to make our communities safer.

And as the mom of a daughter, I know this: I will not rest as long as criminals think they can commit any crime here, even rape, and get away with. That era ends with my election in November.

The DA To Get The Job Done


Sarah needs your support! Your contribution will play a major role in our success!






Ousting an incumbent is never easy -- even an incumbent with as shockingly awful a record as Randy ‘Reckless’ Reynolds. You can help Sarah win this election so that she can clear out crime and put criminals on notice not to come here. Volunteers for door knocking, putting up signs, and more make a huge difference.
You can also organize a community event. Sarah is happy to speak with everyone -- all groups, from across the spectrum.
To join the effort, send us an email at


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